Friday, 9 August 2013

Dear friends,

Sahajatara and I (Jason) have been working on the question of how to keep the momentum going following our successful Climate Conference which included many interesting contributions from diverse faith communities based in Brighton and Hove.

We would like you to be involved with this website to keep the conversation going and towards this end we wish to pose the following question:

How do you think faith communities can contribute to the challenge of climate change?

We would be very happy if you could answer this question in one or two sentences using the comments section below.

We are also hoping to run a follow-up event at Brighthelm in the autumn and if you would like to be involved, please get in touch via email.

in friendship,



  1. Thanks for organising the event. I made lots of notes and was interested to hear the various things the speakers had to say.

    I have just written a blog post on human stewardship, environmental issues & technology, and I thought that some people who attended might find this to be of interest, so here is the link:

    The post addresses your question, but it does not answer it. This is because the question is very complicated and the first step to giving an adequate answer to it is to consider a number of other factors. Firstly, various phenomena need to be distinguished, such as:

    A) Sustainability

    B) Global Warming (human-induced and non-human-induced)

    C) Environmental Stewardship

    D) Climate Change

    Anyway, hopefully it will be of interest, there is lots of other useful stuff on the website.



  2. Thank you for your comment Neil. Certainly for Christian faiths, stewardship has traditionally been a value that could contribute to our discussion, but what about "love your neighbour as yourself"? How does fracking, for example, sit with this? I am also very interested to hear from other faith communities on how their perspectives answer the question. For example is stewardship a value promoted in Islam?

